National collaborations

Since 2020

Collaboration with the Center for Research on Animal Cognition (CRCA) and the Center for Integrative Biology (CBI)

Collective Behavior (CAB), Toulouse, France

From ant locomotion to hexapod robots with Pierre Moretto, Vincent Fourcassié.


Since 2018

Collaboration with the Microelectronics Center of Provence – Mines Saint-Etienne

Flexible Electronics Department, Gardanne, France


Collaboration with the ID-Fab platform – École des Mines de Saint-Étienne

Academic partner for the construction and operation of the mini airship NOVABOT with the help of François Bernier and Sylvain Blayac.

Since 2018

Collaboration with the ONERA of Salon-de-Provence

DTIS – Information Processing and Systems, Salon-de-Provence, France

Study of the informational cues used during a landing task with Antoine Morice , Franck Ruffier and Thomas Rakotomamonjy
