NOVABOT is an experimental, original and innovative theater project that offers the experience of an interaction between an actor, a robotic mini-airship or a quadcopter drone, fragments of the work of Valère Novarina (contemporary theater author). A real-time projection of these images will accompany the actor’s statement.
Staging: Youssra Mansar
Actor: Matteo Duluc
Email : matteoduluc(at)
Production manager: Lorena Boureille
Email: lorena.boureille(at)
Technical: technical team of Antoine Vitez theater and team Turbulence from Aix Marseille University.
Academic co-direction :
Laboratory for Studies in Arts Sciences – LESA EA3274
Institute of Movement Sciences – ISM UMR7287
Academic partner: ID-Fab platform – École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Gardanne campus.
Main cultural partner: Antoine Vitez Theater in Aix-en-Provence
Cultural partner: Vélo Théâtre, approved stage for object theater and the crossroads of arts and sciences in Apt.
Contemporary Performing Arts Criticism:
Publications :