

Habilitation to supervise research from Aix Marseille University, defended on November 16, 2022 Speciality: Biorobotics

Doctoral school: SMH, Sciences of Human Movement (ED 463)

Tags: Biorobotics, Bionics, Biomimicry, Bio-inspired Robotics, Flow
Optic, Ultraviolet Vision, Polarized Vision, Visual Guidance, Altitude Control,
Navigation, Celestial Compass, Unconventional Vision, Scenario by Blackout

Title: From Physical Properties of the World to Bioinspired Navigation.

Laboratory: Institut des Sciences du Movement – Étienne-Jules Marey, Aix Marseille University/ CNRS, Marseille

The members of the jury:
PR. Philippe GAUSSIER, Prof. University of Cergy Pontoise, ETIS, Rapporteur
PR. Pierre MORETTO, Prof. University of Toulouse, CRCA, Rapporteur
DR. Dominique MARTINEZ, CNRS Research Director, LORIA, Nancy, Reporter
DR. Myriam ZERRAD, Research Engineer, Aix Marseille University, Inst. Fresnel, Examiner
PR. Bruno WATIER, Prof. University of Toulouse, LAAS, Examiner
PR. Marc BENDAHAN, Prof. Aix Marseille University, IM2NP, Examiner
PR. Christophe BOURDIN, Prof. Aix Marseille University, ISM, Tutor
DR. Nicolas FRANCESCHINI, CNRS Research Director, ISM, Guest


PhD thesis from the University of Montpellier II, defended on July 11, 2008
Speciality: Automatic Systems and Microelectronics

Doctoral school: I2S Information, Structures and Systems (ED 166)

Doctoral Training: Neuroethology, Vision, Optical Flow, Robotics
Thesis supervisor: DR. Nicolas FRANCESCHINI

Title: From bee to robot: “optical flow regulation”.
Joint speed and side obstacle avoidance control for fully powered vehicles

Laboratoire : Institut des Sciences du Mouvement – Étienne Jules-Marey, Université de la Méditerranée / CNRS, Marseille

The members of the jury:
PR. René ZAPATA, Prof. University of Montpellier II, LIRMM, President
DR. Nicolas FRANCESCHINI, Director. Research CNRS, ISM, Marseille, Dir. of thesis
PR. Auke IJSPEERT, Prof. EPFL, Lausanne, Reporter
DR. Simon THORPE, Dir. Research CNRS, CERCO, Toulouse, Reporter
DR. Rogelio LOZANO, Dir. Research CNRS, Heudiasyc, Compiègne, Examiner
PR. Philippe BIDAUD, Prof. P. and M. Curie University (Paris VI), ISIR, Examiner


University training for secondary school teachers

IUFM of Villeurbanne, Academy of Lyon.

Specific training in project pedagogy
Pre-baccalaureate pedagogy

Theme of the professional dissertation: Education for Sustainable Development.


Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Cachan) – University of Paris XI

EEA Department (Electronics – Electrotechnics – Automatic)
Appointment as a student of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan

Official National Education Bulletin n°11 of March 16, 2000


Magistère in EEA and DEA in Medical Imaging – University of Paris XI

Physics of sensors, signal and image processing, inverse problems
Physics of medical imagers (X-ray scanner, SPECT/PET, MRI)
Functional neuro-cognitive imaging by magnetic resonance (fMRI)


Bachelor’s and Master’s degree EEA – University of Paris XI

Variable speed control of electrical machines, Vector control
Continuous and discrete time controls
Modeling by state variables, Identification, Estimation, Automatic
Signal and image processing
Analog and digital electronics
Wave physics, solid state physics
Digital transmission, fast signals and microwaves
Power electronics, electrical engineering


Preparatory Classes for the Grandes Ecoles, PT* (Physics – Technology)

Lycée Jean Perrin, Marseille.
Common Banque PT entrance examination, rank for admission to ENS Cachan: 74
Mathematics, Physical sciences
Mechanical construction, Engineering sciences


Baccalauréat S (specialty: Engineering Sciences)

Jean Perrin High School, Marseille, Mention : Bien