Conférences internationales
IEEE International Conferences
- Kronland-Martinet, T., Poughon, L., Pasquinelli, M., Duché, D., Serres, J. R., & Viollet, S. (2024, June). SkyPole: a geolocation algorithm based on polarized vision without using astronomical ephemerides. In Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing XVI (Vol. 13050, pp. 74-79). SPIE. 21-25 April, National Harbor, Maryland, USA
DOI : 10.1117/12.3013560
HAL : hal-04607780
- Moutenet, A., Serres, J. R., & Viollet, S. (2023). Ultraviolet vs. Visible Skylight Polarization Measurements. In 2023 IEEE SENSORS ( pp. 01-04). IEEE. 29 October – 1 November, Viena, Austria
DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325144
HAL: hal-04267719 (proceeding)
HAL: hal-04267742 (poster)
- Poughon, L., Aubry, V., Monnoyer, J., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2023). A stand-alone polarimetric acquisition system for producing a long-term skylight dataset. In 2023 IEEE SENSORS ( pp. 1-4). IEEE. 29 October – 1 November, Viena, Austria
DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325176
HAL: hal-04267766 (proceeding)
HAL: hal-04267779 (poster)
DOI: 10.57745/610QTS (database) et GitHub (database)
- Dupeyroux, J., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2020). Bio-inspired celestial compass yields new opportunities for urban localization. In 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 881-886). IEEE.
15-18 September 2020, Saint-Raphaël, France
DOI: 10.1109/MED48518.2020.9183367
- Dupeyroux, J., Lapalus, S., Brodoline, I., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2020). Insect-inspired omnidirectional vision for autonomous localization on-board a hexapod robot. In 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 893-898). IEEE.
15-18 September 2020, Saint-Raphaël, France
DOI: 10.1109/MED48518.2020.9183091
- Dupeyroux, J., Boutin, V., Serres, J. R., Perrinet, L. U., & Viollet, S. (2018, May). M²APix: a bio-inspired auto-adaptive visual sensor for robust ground height estimation. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. 27-30 May 2018, Florence, Italy
DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2018.8351433
- Dupeyroux, J., Diperi, J., Boyron, M., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2017). A bio-inspired celestial compass applied to an ant-inspired robot for autonomous navigation. In 2017 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. 6-8 September 2017, Paris, France
DOI: 10.1109/ECMR.2017.8098680
- Vanhoutte, E., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2017). A quasi-panoramic bio-inspired eye for flying parallel to walls. In 2017 IEEE SENSORS (pp. 1-3). IEEE. 29 October – 1 November 2017, Glasgow, UK
DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234110
- Dupeyroux, J., Diperi, J., Boyron, M., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2017). A novel insect-inspired optical compass sensor for a hexapod walking robot. In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 3439-3445). IEEE. 24-28 September 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2017.8206183
- Raharijaona, T., Serres, J. R., Vanhoutte, E., & Ruffier, F. (2017). Toward an insect-inspired event-based autopilot combining both visual and control events. In 2017 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing (EBCCSP) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. 24-26 May 2017, Funchal, Portugal
DOI: 10.1109/EBCCSP.2017.8022822
- Serres, J. R., Raharijaona, T., Vanhoutte, E., & Ruffier, F. (2016, June). Event-based visual guidance inspired by honeybees in a 3D tapered tunnel. In 2016 Second International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. 13-15 June 2016, Krakow, Poland
DOI: 10.1109/EBCCSP.2016.7605273
- Roubieu, F. L., Serres, J. R., Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., & Viollet, S. (2012). A fully-autonomous hovercraft inspired by bees: Wall following and speed control in straight and tapered corridors. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) (pp. 1311-1318). IEEE. 11-14 December 2012, Guangzhou, China
DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2012.6491150
- Ruffier, F., Mukai, T., Nakashima, H., Serres, J. R., & Franceschini, N. (2008). Combining sound and optic flow cues to reach a sound source despite lateral obstacles. In 2008 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (pp. 89-94). IEEE. 4 December 2008, Nagoya, Japan
DOI: 10.1109/SI.2008.4770432
- Portelli, G., Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2008). A 3D insect-inspired visual autopilot for corridor-following. In 2008 2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (pp. 19-26). IEEE. 19-22 October 2008, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
DOI: 10.1109/BIOROB.2008.4762816
- Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2006). Two optic flow regulators for speed control and obstacle avoidance. In The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006. (pp. 750-757). IEEE. 20-22 February 2006, Pisa, Italy
DOI: 10.1109/BIOROB.2006.1639180
International conferences
- Serres, J.R., Thomas, M, Berger Dauxère, A., Rakotomamonjy, T., Montagne, G., Ruffier, F, & Morice, H.P. Are biological agents governed by similar visuo-motor mechanisms to fly? The XXI International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA’2023) 27-30 June 2023, Guadalajara, Mexico
HAL: hal-04145171
- Viollet, S., Thellier, N., Thouvenel, N., Diperi, J., & Serres, J. R. (2022). Design of a Bio-Inspired Optical Compass for Education Purposes. In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) (pp. 161-172). Springer, Cham. 27-29 April 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12848-6_15
- Mathieu, T., Figueira, J. M. P., Serres, J. R., Rakotomamonjy, T., Ruffier, F., & Morice, A. H. (2020). Perceptual-motor coupling between Helicopter and ship during ship deck landing maneuvers. The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems–ICCAS. 18-19 March 2020, Toulouse, France
DOI: 10.34849/cfsb-t270
HAL: hal-03112084
- Vanhoutte, E., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2017). A honeybee’s navigational toolkit on Board a Bio-inspired Micro Flying Robot. In IMAV 2017, International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition 2017 (paper 14). 18-21 September, Toulouse, France
HAL: hal-01593819
- Dupeyroux, J., Passault, G., Ruffier, F., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2017). Hexabot: a small 3D-printed six-legged walking robot designed for desert ant-like navigation tasks. In IFAC World Congress (Vol. 2017, pp. 1628-1631).
9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France
- Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2011, August). A bio-inspired robot accounts for insect behavior. The 16th European Conference on Eye Movement (ECEM).
21 August 2011, Marseille, France
- Franceschini, N., Viollet, S., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2008). Neuromimetic Robots inspired by Insect Vision. In 3rd International Conference “Smart, Materials, Structures and Systems”(CIMTEC) (No. E-4.2: IL03).
8-13 June 2008, Acireale, Sicily
- Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2008). From insects to robots and back. The 2nd International Conference on Invertebrate Vision (ICIV 2008).
1-8 August 2008, Bäckaskog, Sweden
- Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2007). Optic flow based autopilot: From insects to rotorcraft and back. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 146(4), S133.
31 March – 4 April 2007, Glasgow, Scotland
DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.01.255
- Portelli, G., Ogier, M., Ruffier, F., Serres, J. R., & Franceschini, N. (2007). A bee in the corridor: Ssde-slip control autopilot. The International Symposium on Flying Insects and Robots (FIR) (pp. 91–92).
12-17 August 2007, Ascona, Suisse
- Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. R. (2007). Insects as pilots: optic flow regulation for vertical and horizontal guidance. The International Symposium on Flying Insects and Robots (FIR) (pp. 37–38).
12-17 August 2007, Ascona, Suisse
- Ruffier, F., Serres, J. R., & Franceschini, N. (2005). Automatic landing and take off at constant slope without terrestrial aids. 31th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF’05) (No. 92, pp. 92.1-92.8).
13-16 September, Florence, Italy
- Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2005). Biomimetic visual navigation in a corridor: to centre or not to centre? International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference (I3M).
20-22 October 2005, Marseille, France
International Scientific Workshops
- Brodoline, I., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. R. (2020). Full 3D printed hexapod robots with energy efficient joints. In Workshop GDR 2088 BIOMIM 1st Annual Meeting (No. C-OR-01, p. 33).
13-14 October 2020, Nice, France
- Duché, D., Pasquinelli, M, Le Rouzo, J., Simon, J.-J., Escoubas, L., Ingargiola, J.M., Viollet, S., & Serres J. R. (2020). A bio-inspired optical compass for robotic applications. In Workshop GDR 2088 BIOMIM 1st Annual Meeting (No. C-OR-02, p. 34).
13-14 October 2020, Nice, France
- Poughon, L., Monnoyer, J., Mafrica, S., Viollet, S., Pradere, L., & Serres J. R. (2020). Bio-inspired use of skylight polarization to measure heading for automotive industry. In Workshop GDR 2088 BIOMIM 1st Annual Meeting (No. F-P-01, p. 87).
13-14 October 2020, Nice, France
- Ruffier, F., Portelli, G., Serres, J. R., Raharijaona, T., & Franceschini, N. (2011). From Bees’ surface following to Lunar landing. In International Workshop on Bio-inspired Robots.
6-8 April 2011, Nantes, France
- Roubieu, F. L., Serres, J. R., Viollet, S., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2011). Toward a fully autonomous hovercraft visually guided thanks to its own bio-inspired motion sensors. In International Workshop on Bio-inspired Robots.
6-8 April 2011, Nantes, France
- Serres, J. R., Dray, D., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2008). A bio-inspired optic flow based autopilot for guiding a miniature hovercraft in corridors. In IEEE-IROS Workshop on Visual Guidance Systems for Small Autonomous Aerial.
22-26 September 2008, Nice, France
International Poster Conferences
- Dupeyroux, J., Diperi, J., Boyron, M., Viollet, S., & Serres, J.R. (2017). A bio-inspired celestial compass for a hexapod walking robot in outdoor environment. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).
24-28 September 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Serres, J. R., Morice, A. H., Blary, C., Montagne, G., & Ruffier, F. (2019). Honeybees flying over a mirror crash irremediably. The 4th International Conference on Invertebrate Vision (ICIV 2019). 5-12 August 2019, Bäckaskog, Sweden
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24911.00162
- Dupeyroux, J., Serres, J. R., & Viollet, S. (2019). AntBot: a fully insect-inspired hexapod homing like desert ants. The 4th International Conference on Invertebrate Vision (ICIV 2019).
5-12 August 2019, Bäckaskog, Sweden
- Dupeyroux, J., Serres, J. R., & Viollet, S. (2018). A hexapod walking robot mimicking navigation strategies of desert ants Cataglyphis. In Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (pp. 145-156). Springer, Cham. 17-20 July 2018, Paris, France
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95972-6_16
- Serres, J. R., Evans, T. J., Åkesson, S., Duriez, O., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Ruffier, F., & Hedenström, A. (2017). Optic flow and energy invariants combined may explain gulls’ altitude profiles during offshore takeoff. The 6th International Bio‐logging Science Symposium (BLS6).
25-29 September 2017, Konstanz, Germany
- Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., Masson, G. P., & Franceschini, N. (2008). A bee in a corridor: centering and wall-following. The 2nd International Conference on Invertebrate Vision (ICIV 2008).
1-8 August 2008, Bäckaskog, Sweden
- Ruffier, F., Serres, J. R., Masson, G. P., & Franceschini, N. (2007). A bee in the corridor: regulating the optic flow on one side. 31st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference-7th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (No. T14-7B).
29 March – 1 April 2007, Göttingen, Germany
- Serres, J. R., Ruffier, F., Masson, G. P., & Franceschini, N. (2007). A bee in the corridor: centring or wall-following? 31st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference-7th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (No. T14-8B).
29 March – 1 April 2007, Göttingen, Germany